There is a need for medical treatment when there is epiphora (watering of eyes), and for patients who have repetitive lacrimal sac infections, and when there is no response for dilatation, there is a need for surgical intervention.
Lacrimal sac dysfunctions can be diagnosed and treated by an ophthalmologist. In the surgery, an ophthalmologist and an ENT specialist use endoscopic surgery, the lacrimal bone between lacrimal sac and nose is reached through the nose and the bone is passed through, after the lacrimal sac is detected, the inner wall of the sac is opened. Silicon tubes passed through the lacrimal duct openings (punctum) located near the edge of lower and upper eyelids, near the nose are put through the nose. The duration of remaining of tubes may change from 2 to 12 months.
The difference between the success rate of endoscopic lacrimal sac surgery and classical surgery is not substantial, both having 90% success chance. A frequent complication for the surgery may be considered as repetitive congestions. In addition to the endoscopic surgery, epistaxis (nose bleeding) should be considered.
The advantages of endoscopic lacrimal case surgery are;
- Shortness of surgical duration
- Shortness of recovery period
- Lack of scars on face
- Not substantially affecting functions of lacrimal sac